6 de junio de 2008


Religion was something very important in civilization china (there are currently more than 16,000 temples and churches scattered throughout the region) The company dominates the china Taoism and Buddhism, as in almost all primitive peoples, the first religion in China was the naturalist, or worship into the unknown and the strength that men can have on natural phenomena, but Chinese related behavior of the individual, with the phenomena of the universe. In short, depended on human actions and natural forces. The second religion in china was the Lao-Tse is the reason that based on the doctrines of rationalist Tao. There are also smaller religious groups such as Islam and Christianity but only in 1978 were allowed the development of these official religions, was also established that the population of China had the right not to have religious beliefs and spread the "atheism".
Medicine: The Chinese have their own system of classification of diseases that differs widely from West. The philosophical doctrine that supports medicine china is that men live between heaven and earth, and is in itself a miniature universe. The material for that living things are made is considered part of the "yin", the female aspect, liabilities and recessive in nature. Moreover, the vital functions of these beings are regarded as belonging to the "yang", male aspect, active and dominant. The functions of living organisms are classified by the following five centers body:
• Heart or mind (hin)
• Lung or respiratory system (fei)
• Liver (Kan.)
• Spleen (p'i)
• Kidneys (Shen)
According civilization china succession of the seasons and changing weather can affect the human body. Apart from medicines, another form of treatment often used in medicine china is acupuncture. Its history goes back to times after the emergence of writing china, but did not reach its full development until after the Han dynasty.

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