6 de junio de 2008


The National Exhibition on Russia china is a sample of Chinese economic and cultural development larger than has been made in overseas representation in the country. "Exhibit, which is one of the most important events to take place during the Year of China in Russia , Is not only a showcase of splendid culture and history of China, but also reflects the achievements and successes of the policy of reform and opening up of China, Hu added.

For his part, Putin spoke in praise of the exhibit in his speech: "The exhibition will help the Russian people to understand the existing production capacities and technology of China with a view to not only increase the volume of bilateral trade, but also improve the quality of cooperation." "The theme of the exhibition - Win-Win Cooperation and harmonious development - fits perfectly with the current partnership and strategic cooperation between China and Russia. For Russia, China has always been and remains one of the most important economic partners in the world, "said Putin.

The four-day exhibition, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of China, covers over 30 industries, ranging from energy to household appliances, and more than 15,000 kinds of products will be exhibited in an area of 20,000 square meters at the Expo Center . After the opening ceremony, Hun Jintao and Vladimir Putin toured with great interest in the exhibition. In the exhibition hall on the general image of China, the two leaders covered the models of the work of Three Gorges project and model Qinghai-Tibet railway. In the exhibition business, they heard a presentation responsible for several large Chinese companies. The exhibition of fine porcelain china was opened on msmo day in the State Tretaykov Gallery in Moscow.

"China is the cradle of porcelain. Porcelain china became known as' white gold 'from the ninth century," he said during the opening ceremony of China Vice Minister of Culture, Meng Xiaosi. This exhibit is the first of several major exhibitions in Russia and the first in a series of cultural expressions of the Year of China in Russia through which the Russian people will know more about the culture china and friendship of the Chinese people, Meng said. According to Wang Tianxing, deputy director general of the Department of Culture of Jiangxi province, Jingdezhen, a city of Jiangxi, is a historical site famous for its technical porcelain.

The porcelain from Jingdezhen, "as white as jade, as thin as paper and as clear as a mirror," represents the best of the culture of pottery china. The exhibition includes 119 pieces of fine china selected provincial museum of Jingdezhen of Jiangxi and ceramics from different eras. The Year of China in Russia will have nearly 200 activities in the areas of politics, economy, science, technology and culture.

As an important part of the theme year, the China Cultural Festival from March to next January, will present an image of China that is not only ancient and peaceful, but also modern and colorful


Religion was something very important in civilization china (there are currently more than 16,000 temples and churches scattered throughout the region) The company dominates the china Taoism and Buddhism, as in almost all primitive peoples, the first religion in China was the naturalist, or worship into the unknown and the strength that men can have on natural phenomena, but Chinese related behavior of the individual, with the phenomena of the universe. In short, depended on human actions and natural forces. The second religion in china was the Lao-Tse is the reason that based on the doctrines of rationalist Tao. There are also smaller religious groups such as Islam and Christianity but only in 1978 were allowed the development of these official religions, was also established that the population of China had the right not to have religious beliefs and spread the "atheism".
Medicine: The Chinese have their own system of classification of diseases that differs widely from West. The philosophical doctrine that supports medicine china is that men live between heaven and earth, and is in itself a miniature universe. The material for that living things are made is considered part of the "yin", the female aspect, liabilities and recessive in nature. Moreover, the vital functions of these beings are regarded as belonging to the "yang", male aspect, active and dominant. The functions of living organisms are classified by the following five centers body:
• Heart or mind (hin)
• Lung or respiratory system (fei)
• Liver (Kan.)
• Spleen (p'i)
• Kidneys (Shen)
According civilization china succession of the seasons and changing weather can affect the human body. Apart from medicines, another form of treatment often used in medicine china is acupuncture. Its history goes back to times after the emergence of writing china, but did not reach its full development until after the Han dynasty.


The china civilization as we know has changed dramatically and it has brought great contributions to mankind, through development of this test will be presenting the great inventions, which is added and go hand in hand very industry and commerce.

To start there will be a description of each of the inventions and contributions made this civilization to humanity. In the first instance we believe the compass; it had its origin in the fourth century to C. His adaptation and recognition in the West took place nearly 1500 years later. The first Chinese compasses did not use needles. The "indicators" had the form of shells, fish or turtle, increasing the accuracy of reading the introduction of the needle. It was at that time when the Chinese introduced the first markers and indicators, key elements of modern science. This happened in the third century A.D. The magnetic compass needle was built in the seventh century or VIII with a needle floating on the water.

The gunpowder, fireworks and rockets. The birthplace of fireworks is generally recognized as China, with the first explosive mixture found there and called "black powder", during the Sung dynasty (960-1279). It is said that a cook in ancient China found that a mixture of sulfur, saltpeter, charcoal and was highly flammable and if outbreak was included in a small space. The first application of this technology was for entertainment. The Chinese remain the largest producers of fireworks. Once the recipe for black powder was perfected, they found that could easily be used as rocket fuel, rockets and made of wood carved by hand with the dimensions to be placed and the mouth of a dragon, in the sixth century. These arrows driven emerging as rockets from the mouth of the dragon, and were used against the invaders from Mongolia in 1279. The principle of operation of these rockets is still used today in fireworks the money paper. Among the many inventions that we have the ingenuity of the Chinese, seems also counted the paper currency. Since ancient times, Chinese trade conducted on the basis of barter. Until the middle of the second a.C. were used as means to change the so-called "Caura" small shells which have remained in use in parts of Asia and Africa until a few decades ago. The first use "money" of this paper receipts were bank began to be used as means of payment. Obviously, there were no banks themselves, was closed shops that accept deposits of precious metals, which received remuneration pledging to transfer amounts to distances. Stacking and pressed to remove water, and then extended so that the sun was dry, each piece is properly beaten on a surface, such as to prevent the ink ran to write
The printing plant. As early as the second century A.D. the Chinese had developed and implemented in general the art of print texts. As with many inventions, was not entirely novel, since the printing of drawings and images on fabrics you got at least a century ahead in China the impression words.
The great Wall of China, an architectural contribution. The principles of construction of the Wall of China were defending themselves from attacks by nomadic peoples of the north. Although it was built in several stages, the first stage was built on the instructions of Qin Shi Huangdi, also Shi Huangdi, or Ts'in She Huang-Ti (259-210 BC), China's first emperor and founder of the Ch'in Dynasty . There is talk of 400,000 people working in construction during the reign of Qin Shi Huanti and their descendants, however, the Great Wall continued to grow during more than 1500 years, with different materials and characteristics depending on the region, The rulers of the Han dynasty , Followed by preserving and extending the wall. Its construction finally stopped in the seventeenth century during the dominance of the Ming dynasty. It is said that one fifth of the population china contributed at different times in building the Great Wall and that many of the bodies of the workers who died, adding historical documents, used to amortize the weight of the stones. The most famous of the Great Wall, which is located near Beijing, in the locality known as Badaling, was built during the Ming dynasty (1368 to 1644 AD) and is considered Heritage of Humanity.

Each of these inventions have helped over the years to humanity, taking into account that have not been as it were from the outset, but have ido evolved to what it is at present on progress technology and how each of us we have been using


Since the beginning and evolution of Chinesse civilization were established through different situations which were taught the ways of life of people in China, initially the man had to go through a lot of years to reach an evolution and thus began his trial is survival. This test will show you ways to work, their traditions, their economic and social organization and certain general characteristics that the Chinese used initially for their survival. To start we talk of what he has to do with work and the methods used initially for their survival, we see that with the centuries millet became his main crop, also came to cultivate something of wheat and rice low quality. When the ground became less productive moved to another area, burned trees, dried the ground and planted it in their crops.

Uses of fire provided them with cooked food, declining as a result, the digestive process and hence improve the absorption of nutrients and increasingly accelerating the development of their physical condition. At the same time the fire could protect it from cold, prevent it from attack by wild animals and help effectively in the hunt. With regard to the above hunting and gathering were the main productive activities, the discovery of large quantities of bones of deer bulls or burned in the caves, confirming that the deer was the main object of his game. Perhaps their most effective weapons were sticks and torches.

With the passing of the years the organization of the Chinese was based on agriculture but was subsequently established industries. Among them include metallurgy, especially the bronze, since times very close to Christ. Other important industries were porcelain and silk, so they had a great trade. The social classes in China were integrated: the first by an aristocracy which dominated the political and religious functions, the second by state officials or bureaucracy that degenerated into a routine mechanical and the third was made up of craftsmen and peasants. Besides the Chinese people had a very slavery pronounced.

In conclusion, the man of civilization china start their survival through the hunting of wild animals and thus these were his main activities in which to perform layman