6 de junio de 2008


Since the beginning and evolution of Chinesse civilization were established through different situations which were taught the ways of life of people in China, initially the man had to go through a lot of years to reach an evolution and thus began his trial is survival. This test will show you ways to work, their traditions, their economic and social organization and certain general characteristics that the Chinese used initially for their survival. To start we talk of what he has to do with work and the methods used initially for their survival, we see that with the centuries millet became his main crop, also came to cultivate something of wheat and rice low quality. When the ground became less productive moved to another area, burned trees, dried the ground and planted it in their crops.

Uses of fire provided them with cooked food, declining as a result, the digestive process and hence improve the absorption of nutrients and increasingly accelerating the development of their physical condition. At the same time the fire could protect it from cold, prevent it from attack by wild animals and help effectively in the hunt. With regard to the above hunting and gathering were the main productive activities, the discovery of large quantities of bones of deer bulls or burned in the caves, confirming that the deer was the main object of his game. Perhaps their most effective weapons were sticks and torches.

With the passing of the years the organization of the Chinese was based on agriculture but was subsequently established industries. Among them include metallurgy, especially the bronze, since times very close to Christ. Other important industries were porcelain and silk, so they had a great trade. The social classes in China were integrated: the first by an aristocracy which dominated the political and religious functions, the second by state officials or bureaucracy that degenerated into a routine mechanical and the third was made up of craftsmen and peasants. Besides the Chinese people had a very slavery pronounced.

In conclusion, the man of civilization china start their survival through the hunting of wild animals and thus these were his main activities in which to perform layman

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